What to do When a Spouse will Not End an Affair
What is a husband or wife to do when their spouse will not end an affair? In my experience as a pastoral care counselor and a life coach, I have seen a variety of reactions.
What to do When a Spouse will Not End an Affair
What is a husband or wife to do when their spouse will not end an affair? In my experience as a pastoral care counselor and a life coach, I have seen a variety of reactions.
Having Trouble Getting Over an Affair?
If you are having trouble getting over an affair, you already know that there are a number of obstacles to overcome. These obstacles include fear, regaining trust, dealing with mental images, the marriage bed, and unforgiveness. Let me take a few moments to deal with the issue of overcoming fear and regaining trust after an affair.
How to Forgive Yourself After an Affair
It’s one thing to be forgiven by your spouse after an affair, but how does one handle it when they are finding it difficult to forgive themselves after an affair. Here is a major scriptural point to consider.
Desiring Christian Help after an Affair?
Christian help after an affair is available from a variety of sources. These sources may include:
The Bible
Your church
Local Christian marriage ministries
Christian based resources
Close Christian friends
Family members
Marriage counselors and therapists
Will My Marriage Survive an Affair?
After adultery has taken place, many ask the question, “Will my marriage survive an affair?” Let me give you some insight as to why your marriage can survive an affair.
Biblical Help on How to Move Forward After an Affair
There is a reason why God said, “Thou shalt not commit adultery”. (Exodus 20:14) It is not only disobedience to His Word, but it hurts. In fact, it hurts a lot. I hope this little article on how to move forward after an affair will help some to gain a little more perspective on how to move forward from the ravaging effects of infidelity.
Why Did My Spouse Have an Affair?
This is a very common question for spouses to ask after their husband or wife commits adultery. Here are some very important points to consider if you are one of those consumed with trying to figure out why your spouse had an affair.
Signs of a Cheating Spouse
What are the signs of a cheating spouse? Is it possible to tell if your spouse is having an affair or an adulterous relationship?
Some Signs of a Cheating Spouse
Feelings for Another Person Outside of the Marriage
Having feelings for another person other than your spouse is definitely out of bounds according to the scriptures. Here are some helpful thoughts on the matter:
True Love
Many wonder if an emotional affair is actually adultery. I believe so for the following reasons:
Jesus Words in Matthew 5:27-28
I do not believe it would be a stretch to apply the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:27-28 to this issue.
Spouses that are working at surviving an affair are often in a tail spin during the first few weeks and months. It is important for husbands and wives trying to survive the devastating effects of an affair to know the following:
Do Not Make Any Major Decisions at First
Intimacy after an affair
I am often asked when couples should attempt to enjoy intimacy after an affair. Here is my typical answer:
Before considering intimacy after an affair the subject of STD’s should be addressed.
Alcohol and Adultery – Is there a Connection?
Being a pastoral care counselor and a marriage coach, I have assisted multitudes of couples through the devastating effects of adultery. Though alcohol is not always involved in adulterous relationships, it should be noted that I have had many a man and woman tell me that alcohol contributed to their lack of ability to resist temptation.
If you are working through forgiving your spouse after an affair, it is important that a few things be present from the very beginning. In fact, I have found that if the following traits are not present, then both are typically filling what I call a bag full of holes.
Without a doubt, if a couple is going to stay together after an affair, they are going to take a trip down a very bumpy road. This is because adultery is the most grievous sin that one can commit against a marriage, and, unfortunately, the only group of people that truly understand its devastating effects are those on the receiving end.