How To Rebuild Trust In A Marriage


We hope you enjoy this excerpt from chapter 5 of our new Christian marriage book, How to Fight for Your Marriage Without Fighting with One Another. It not only shows couples how to rebuild trust in a marriage, but it also teaches a very valuable lesson that many husbands will be wise to learn.


Marriage Is Like A Bridge To A Woman


For a woman, marriage is a bridge upon which she desires to safely walk. If that bridge has ever fallen through, she thinks twice before bearing all her weight on it again.

Most women simply want to know that their relationship with their husband is stable in the areas of unconditional love, commitment, emotional intimacy, and finances. Deep down, they desire to know that this bridge called marriage will hold up their sense of self worth as well as their expectations. When it shows signs of weakness, they tend to test its strength by doing what I call jumping up and down. This is usually done in one or more of the following ways:


1. A wife may withhold her love for her husband until she sees that he truly cares about her and not merely himself.

2. She may show hesitancy to act like everything is fine in the marriage.

3. Some act cold or indifferent about the marriage until they see viable change.

4. A wife might question her husband’s motives for making changes for the better.

5. A woman could display a lack of willingness to participate in physical intimacy.

6. She could be curt, and, at times, rude toward her husband.


These are all natural tendencies for a wife that feels insecure about her relationship with her husband. This, of course, does not condone this type of behavior, but it certainly explains why some wives are tempted to act in such a way. I often say that though this describes a woman’s behavior, it does not necessarily prescribe what should happen in a marriage.


Wooing Your Wife On That Bridge


Many a man has found himself standing on a broken down, dilapidated bridge called marriage, trying to encourage his wife to follow. While he stands wooing, begging, and, sometimes, pleading with his wife to trust him once more, she often reacts with reluctance. It is not so much her reluctance or lack thereof that will determine their success, as much as his reaction to her reluctance that will be key.

Some men, while standing on that bridge, feel either afraid or overwhelmed by the task. Others feel incapable. Either way, they will do well not to run and hide from their God-given responsibility to promote an atmosphere of safety in their marriage through sacrificial service and safe conversation.


Actions Speak Louder Than Words


Other men err in that they focus on their wife’s reluctance rather than their responsibility to strengthen the bridge with the planks of unconditional love and biblical character. This is a crucial mistake that many, if not most, men make as they work at rebuilding trust in a marriage.

Early in our marriage, I was guilty of such behavior. Rather than rebuilding the bridge of trust through unconditional love and kindness, I was more focused on the thought of my wife jumping up and down. This only served to delay any type of substantial success.

As a young married man, I would try to use my carefully constructed arguments and long lectures to reassure my wife, Melody, that the bridge would never fall through again. Looking back, I could have avoided countless one-sided discussions by doing more to repair the bridge than trying to sell her on the state of it.

When women show hesitancy to trust their husbands, men often become defensive. Although this is a natural reaction for most men, it will do little to boost a woman’s level of confidence. Men that are prone to such behavior will be wise to understand that there is a formula for rebuilding trust in a marriage. I call it change over time.

Men usually do not mind the numerator of my formula. Change is sometimes easy. It is the denominator of the equation that causes men to struggle.

When men repent or change their minds, they often change on the spot by making an about-face turn. Women, on the other hand, are vastly different in that they reverse directions by making a very slow 180 degree turn. This is often a tremendous source of frustration to men trying to woo their wives.


A Castle Around Her Heart


As we saw in the last chapter, when a woman is hurt, she will often build a castle around her heart and shut the door tight. As she hides out for safety, it is vital that the man patiently serve as he waits for her to open that door. Any signs of impatience will send out a resounding message that he is serving his fears rather than her needs. She will also be prone to perceive that he is simply using date nights, flowers, and charitable acts of kindness as a form of control to get her to conform to his wishes.


– Dr. Raymond Force III


For Individual Study Or Use As A Couples Devotional


Our marriage book, How to Fight For Your Marriage Without Fighting With One Another, has been designed for individual study as well as a couples devotional. With thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter, couples find our book a helpful resource to encourage healthy, forward-thinking conversation. For ordering information, visit our online resource center.

Prefer listening rather than reading? Check out our audio book or listen to a live recording of one of our How to Fight for Your Marriage – Marriage Conferences. These are great options for the non-reader in your life.

Oops! Almost forgot. There is a that Amazon option also available to you.


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Posted in Marriage Advice

57 comments on “How To Rebuild Trust In A Marriage
  1. Kenneth M. Boser II says:

    Before I say something to this, I will clarify that the marriage to my wife ended in divorce, and it was not something I wanted, but I also had nothing to fight it with.

    These 6 things as how women react isn’t a righteous move nor righteous in methodology.

    “1. A wife may withhold her love for her husband until she sees that he truly cares about her and not merely himself.

    2. She may show hesitancy to act like everything is fine in the marriage.

    3. Some act cold or indifferent about the marriage until they see viable change.

    4. A wife might question her husband’s motives for making changes for the better.

    5. A woman could display a lack of willingness to participate in physical intimacy.

    6. She could be curt, and, at times, rude toward her husband.”

    Whether a man or woman, each of these 6 things are manipulation, straight up. The Bible refers to that as being “witchcraft”
    I Samuel 15:23 (rebellion).

    Consider that the guidelines for how a woman should be to bless her husband is found in Proverbs 12:4 (happy woman versus angry woman), and how to be is found in Proverbs 31.

    Now, just because I focused on the women’s side, (which was first focused on in the article), doesn’t mean that men don’t do some of the same thing.

    But it isn’t right – because it is selfish in a bad way, manipulative, and leaving the marriage open to attacks from Satan – of which many, it would appear, documentations of that seem to be found here.

    • Hitting Home says:

      These six points, as stated in the article and our book, are not prescribed, just described.

      Dr. Force

    • Andrea says:

      What is selfish about wanting protect yourself after an injury? If a person puts trust in another person and that person betrays that trust, it would be sheer stupidity to blindly trust again without hesitation.

    • Anonymous says:

      The burden of loving someone as Christ loves the church falls on the man, not the wife. Your failure to recognize that is why you divorced. Unfair? Yes. If you’ll do what Hitting Home tells you to do instead of focusing on how unfair the roles are, you won’t have a problem with a woman resenting you.

    • Sally says:

      It’s not hard to understand why your marriage fell apart after reading your comment.

    • Proverbs32mo. says:

      23For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.” The last is longer, the route meaning of one of these is panting after usally in vain, another is pecking to stun or stupify. There’s a comparison being made, rebellion and stubbornness are both much worse than they appear but the root issue is the same in either case.

  2. Eric says:

    Don’t you guys ever get tired of trashing men and laying everything at their feet?

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