It’s Great to Hear from You
It has been a blessing hearing your take on our new marriage book, How to Fight for Your Marriage Without Fighting with One Another. After three years of writing, it is always interesting listening to your responses.
Amazon Review
We always appreciate Amazon reviews. So if you are feeling up to it, be sure to surf on over to Amazon and leave a review of our new marriage book. Or, if you have read our Christian anger management book, Angry Without a Cause, feel free to comment on that book also.
An Honest Confession
I would have to admit that, at times, I forget some of the things that I have written in our marriage book. It may seem odd to you, but there are times that people comment on certain points that I have forgotten are in the book.
What Hits Home
I am often amazed how our materials are received by people in so many different ways. In fact, what is just a nominal point to some seems to be a very powerful point to others. On the other hand, what is a no-brainer to some is often a Eureka moment for other couples and individuals looking for help.
To be honest, it is quite intriguing to listen to the variety of responses that we receive from our books, audio materials, and articles on marriage and relationships. And, it is alway encouraging to hear how the Lord is using these resources in the lives of others.
A Look into our Back-Office
As you can see in the pic, a number of you have been ordering our book. We are always excited to see the many different areas of the country and the world that are interested in reading our book.
This particular shipment contains orders from CA, AK, NE, Florida, NY, and many more areas.
- Learn about our proven, 2-step process
- Designed as a couples devotional
- Use in a group study
- A biblical and refreshing approach
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