As of today, our Kindle version of our Biblical marriage book is live and ready to download. Though we are awaiting shipment from the printer of our paperback version, we are set up to take pre-orders. You may place your order at
Let me give you a few solid reasons why I am so excited about our marriage book, How to Fight for Your Marriage Without Fighting with One Another.
Why I am so Excited about our Biblical Marriage Book
It offers a Very Biblical Approach
First off, our marriage book is indeed a Biblical marriage book in that the scriptures take center stage in its content.
When I first started Hitting Home, I wanted to help couples in need, but I was not quite sure how to go about it. At first, I thought that maybe I could use a lot of humor and stories and then intermingle Biblical passages into those stories. Though that tends to be a common approach, this did not settle well within me.
At other times, I wondered if I should learn more of a psychological approach as I felt that possibly that would give me more clout. However, in the end, I became extremely comfortable with sticking with a very Biblical approach as I became convinced that the Bible is powerful enough to handle mankind’s issues.
Matthew Henry said that nobody puts a coat of paint on a piece of God. That said, the Bible does not really need to be doctored up with my humor or whit. Honestly, it is powerful enough without my help.
Tried and Proven
Secondly, I am excited because the principles of this book have been tried and proven over a period of 14 years of helping couples as a pastor, life coach, and a Christian marriage speaker.
Time and again, we see couples overcome issues that have been plaguing their marriage for 10, 20, and, sometimes, 30 years.
Fresh Outlook
Thirdly, upon writing this Biblical marriage book, I determined to convey some old truths in a new way. I feel that I have been able to accomplish this goal, especially through our teaching called The Top Mistake Couples Make in a Fight, the Bridge illustration, our teaching called the opposite exercise, and many other chapters.
God-Centered Content
We trust you enjoy our Biblical marriage book, How to Fight for Your Marriage Without Fighting with One Another. We have made sure that God takes center stage in its content, and I have found that when this occurs, we can never go wrong.
Our marriage book is available in paperback and Amazon Kindle format. Take a look at our resource page for more details.
- Learn about our proven, 2-step process
- Designed as a couples devotional
- Use in a group study
- A biblical and refreshing approach
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