Have You Been There And Done That With God?

During the first session of our marriage conferences, we take the time to discuss the importance of the Father’s presence in each of our lives. In fact, I often say that without an eternal view of our lives and marriages, our advice simply serves as five smooth stones placed in the wrong sling of selfishness and humanism.

When I discuss the importance of our vertical relationship with the Father, I can usually tell that some have a been there and done that sort of an attitude. That is, I can tell that some feel they have already “tried” God, but to no avail. In other words, they have read their Bible, brought up their families in church, or prayed very hard only to have things not work out so well.


An Important Question I Ask


Upon inquiry, I usually ask one important question to individuals and spouses in such a state, and I always receive the same answer. That question goes something like this: Do you consistently sense the presence of the Father in your heart? Without, fail, the answer is always no.

If you do not mind, I would like to make a very clear point. Unless the Father warms your heart with His presence, Christianity will never make sense to you. You will be left with mere duty, guilt, or personal gain as a motivator which all fall short in the end. Furthermore, your marriage will find little effect from your involvement in Christianity. John 14:21-23 and Psalm 16:11

In chapter one of our marriage book, How to Fight for Your Marriage Without Fighting With One Another, we define a great marriage as such:


A great marriage is when two full grown adults wake up in the morning with their cup of joy and fulfillment full to overflowing. What spills out of that cup is what should land on the other person.


Far too many times, couples enter into marriage with their cup half empty. Once this occurs, they start the process of allowing the other person to play god over their emotions. When they see that this also falls short of filling their cup, they then proceed to get mad at the other person because they prove to be a bad god over their emotions.


Check Out Our Marriage Book


To learn How to Fight for Your Marriage Without Fighting with One Another, check out Dr. Raymond Force’s marriage book which gives couples a Biblical and refreshing approach to solving their marriage problems. Find out more about our marriage book.

– Dr. Force

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Posted in Marriage Advice

One comment on “Have You Been There And Done That With God?
  1. Neeta says:

    Thanks for the well-wishes everybody!

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